Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2020. No. 7

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DOI  https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.7.7

ÓÄĘ 621.391


Experimental approbation of personal dosimeter of microwave electromagnetic radiation “Mera”


A. S. Dmitriev 1, V. V. Itskov 1, A. I. Ryzhov 1, O. A. Grigoriev 2

1 Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Mokhovaya 11-7, Moscow 125009, Russia

2 National research center of new technology security”, Moscow, Yauzskaya str., 1-15/1, Moscow 109028, Russia


The paper was received on June 29, 2020 


Abstract. An increase in the intensity of electromagnetic microwave radiation of anthropogenic origin in the surrounding space in recent years has led to the fact that the majority of the world's population is forced to constantly be in an environment contaminated with these emissions - the “electromagnetic smog”. At certain levels of power density of microwave radiation (the bottom border is not well investigated) it can have a negative effect on people and the biological environment as a whole. Analysis of the situation shows that, unlike a number of other types of pollution, electromagnetic pollution has an extremely uneven spatial and temporal structure. This means, in particular, that its simultaneous measurement in some place and time may be uninformative in terms of assessing the impact on the biological environment. Correct understanding of the level of exposure requires rather long-term measurements that must be carried out (and their results must be recorded) either for a specific place or for a specific biological object (for example, a person) or even a certain part of it. These measurements will provide a picture of the intensities of electromagnetic pollution over time (and to some extent in space, in case of biological objects measurements, since the time is recorded in the records by which the location of measurements can be restored) as well as the total microwave electromagnetic energy taken per unit area. The solution of this problem requires the creation of special measuring devices - dosimeters of microwave electromagnetic radiation. Such a device - a personal dosimeter "MERA" was developed in the IRE RAS. The description of device, specifications, results of the measurements carried out using some dosimeters for a long time are presented in the work. The measurements were carried out in different conditions: Russia and foreign countries, megapolis and resort areas, twenty four hours a day, in public transport and airplanes. The totality of the data obtained on the basis of direct long-term measurements gives a preliminary experimental assessment of the real electromagnetic microwave load that is created by modern means of mobile communication and affecting environment surrounding a person.

Key words: electromagnetic smog, dosimeter, personal ecological space, microwave radiation.


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For citation:

Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I., Grigoriev O.A. Experimental approbation of personal dosimeter of microwave electromagnetic radiation “Mera”.  Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No. 7. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.7.7   (In Russian)