Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2021. No. 6

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DOI https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.6.13

UDC 537.872.32


Numerical simulation of the ground distribution of the field strength of an on-board low-frequency transmitter located in the ionosphere.


V. A. Moshkov

Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Mokhovaya str., 11-7, Moscow 125009, Russia


The paper was received on June 21, 2021


Abstract. Projects of active experiments in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere of the Earth and planets often include powerful low-frequency transmitters installed on-board of a spacecraft. Such sources are very effective, but their radiation is extremely heterogeneous in space because of the anisotropy of the ionospheric plasma due to the presence of the magnetic field of the Earth. This paper is devoted to numerical modeling of a distribution of the wave field strength near the Earth surface. The work examines a specific active wave experiment with a 20 m loop as a transmitting antenna. The satellite is assumed to orbit with an inclination of 82.5 degrees at an average altitude of 1000 km. All calculations are performed in linear approximation using the cold magneto-active plasma model. The computation model uses ray approximation everywhere except for the highly heterogeneous lower ionosphere, where a full wave equations set is applied. It is shown that the maximum magnetic field value is decreased with increasing of the geomagnetic latitude value and the strength range is 1… 2 nA/m for frequency 10 kHz and loop current 100 A. The magnitude of the vertical component of the electric field lies in the range of 0.4 ... 0.8 μV/m. An average Doppler frequency shift is equal to ~0.4 Hz. A comparison is made between the data of the numerical experiment and the results of simple estimations of the values of the magnetic field strength at the maximum of the ground distribution.

Key words: ionosphere, low frequencies, on-board loop transmitter, wave field’s strength distribution, Doppler frequency shift.


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For citation:

Moshkov A.V. Numerical simulation of the ground distribution of the field strength of an on-board low-frequency transmitter located in the ionosphere. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics]. 2021. No.6. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.6.13  (In Russian)