UDC 520.622
simulating of image formation with subdiffraction resolution using
one-dimensional experimental structure of scanning single aperture terahertz
A. N. Vystavkin1, 3, S. E. Bankov1,3,
M. E. Zhukovskij2,3, S. V. Podoljako2,3, O. V. Korjukin1,
Yu. N. Kazantsev1, A.
G. Kovalenko1, E. A. Vystavkin1,3, A. S. Iliin1
1 V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics
of RAS
2 M.V. Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
of RAS
3 LLC “Laboratory of Terahertz Radiometers”, the participant of Skolkovo Innovation
The paper is received on December 1, 2015
Abstract. A method is proposed that allows to largely overcome the diffraction limit, as well as noise and other interferences in radio imaging devices (including ground and space telescopes) of millimeter, terahertz and far infrared ranges of the electromagnetic radiation in conformity with problems of reconstruction of images of the observing objects (the density distribution of sources). The spatial (angular) resolution and precision of the distributions of the observing sources are significantly higher in comparison with existing radio imaging devices of the specified ranges. This article describes the mathematical methods used to solve these problems. The article focuses on the simplest problem of the simulating of the image formation with a subdiffraction resolution using a one-dimensional experimental model of single aperture telescope. It is described the named experimental model and the corresponding experimental setup, the main components of which are the source of the electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of
mm on the basis of the backward wave tube, the telescope imitator based on two paired Teflon lenses, the radiation detector in the form of optic-acoustic receiver (Golay cell) and two precision coordinate tables with the electrical drive that moves the telescope imitator and the Golay cell. Due to the said moving the work of the telescope itself and the image being observed are imitated. The result of the modeling has revealed itself in the estimation of improvement of the spatial (angular) resolution of radio the imaging devices of the specified above ranges up to ~ 150 times.
Key words: radioastronomy and radio imaging devices of terahertz range of electromagnetic radiation, ground and space telescopes, methods of improving the characteristics, including the angular resolution, of telescopes and radio imaging devices.