Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Adaptive segmentation methods for quasi-static analysis of multiconductor transmission lines
Maksimov A.E., Kuksenko S.P.
Neural network algorithm for signal detection with binary pulse position modulation
Korchagin Yu.E., Titov K.D., Zavalishina O.N.
Using generative-adversarial neural networks to expand training (test) samples
Belokopytov M.L.
Mathematical apparatus to analyze of interference-suppressing strip devices with asymmetric structure
Surovtsev R.S.
Investigation of phase noise influence of modulator for the error-performances under reception of digital signals
Kuliev M.V., Nazarov L.E.
On antenna feeding models for calculating its input impedance by the method of moments
Klyukin D.V., Demakov A.V., Kvasnikov A.A., Alhaj Hasan A., Kuksenko S.P.
Direction-of-arrival estimation algorithm in automotive distributed non-coherent multi-radar systems
Artyukhin I.V., Averin I.M., Flaksman A.G., Rubtsov A.E.
Effect of increasing the piezomodules of the initially compressed flexible bimorph
Pan’kov A.A.
The electroelastic properties of the initial-stressed piezoceramics PZT-4 with unidirectional tunnel pores
Pan’kov A.A.
Modal analysis of fiber optic resonance piezoelecluminescent pressure sensor
Pan’kov A.A., Pisarev P.V., Bayandin S.R.
Optimization methods for scheduling observations of spacecraft by ground-based radio measuring instrument
Grigorev.V.S., Ksendzuk A.V.
The dependence of the signal on the displacement of the lens scattering circle in the anglerange 0-90º relative to the pixel center of the photosensitive matrix
Znamenskii I.V.
Improving the performance and fault tolerance of circuit CAD systems based on the methods of diacoptics and automation of managing multi-tenant components
Gridin V.N., Anisimov V.I., Vasilev S.A.
Bifurcation analysis of the structure of complete synchronization of the system of non-identical Josephson junctions
Kuznetsov A.P., Sataev I.R.
Spin waves phase comparator
Arkhipova O.Yu., Matveev A.A., Safin A.R., Nikitov S.A.
Comparative analysis of accuracy of frequency synchronization algorithms for satellite communication system based on DVB-S2 signal
Levichev S.A., Iansitov K.K., Dorokhin S.V., Dvorkovich A.V.
Investigation of algorithms for preliminary frequency synchronization in a satellite communication receiver in the conditions of a non-geostationary orbit of a spacecraft
Bibikov A.M., Leonov I.E.
Modeling of external influence on the resonance properties of bulk antiferromagnet α − Fe2O3 during a spin-reorientation transition
Bogdanova T.V., Kalyabin D.V., Safin A.R., Nikitov S.A.
Method of space debris element recognition from optical and radar images based on neural network technologies
Mishukov O.A., Smirnov A.N., Zhitikhin A.E.
A model of quantum particle behavior in a potential well with a moving wall
Kartsev A.I., Safronov A.A., Makhov M.I.
Mathematical model of functioning cognitive radio system
Golovskoy V.A.
Bandwidth and information capacity of a resource: space, frequency, time
Grishentsev A.Yu.
A method of data synthesis to improve the effectiveness of neural network training
Shlenskih D.A., Belokopytov M.L., Anohin D.V., Ivanov I.G.
Minimizing error probability during weighed reception of a message with a two-level pulse-code modulation under conditions of inter-symbol interference
Degtyaryov A.N., Koneva S.A.
Piezoelectric disk torsion actuator with discrete-spiral electrodes
Pan’kov A.A.
Electroelasticity of piezoelectric film actuator with system of interacting interdigitated electrodes
Pan’kov A.A.
Modes of generalized synchronization of the robust wide-band signal generators in a presence of frequency distortions in a communication channel
Lubchenko D.O., Isaeva O.B.
Dependence of the signal magnitude on the displacement of the scattering function of a point inscribed in four pixels of the matrix
Znamenskiy I.V., Zotiev E.O., Oleynikov I.I., Tunguspaev A.T.
Non-stationary inverse filter
Khafizov R.G., Salikhova L.M., Mertvishchev A.S.
On the calculation of the Minkowski dimension for grayscale images
Shaposhnikov A.I
Coupled quasi-periodic generators with different types of coupling (discrete model)
Kuznetsov A.P., Sedova Yu.V.
Extraction of per-unit-length parameters of transmission lines from measured S-parameters
Pavlov N.S., Zhechev Y.S., Zabolotskiy A.M.
Investigation of the conditionality of the problem of determining the parameters of a linear N-pole by input frequency characteristics
Korovkin N.V., Grishentsev A.Y., Minevich T.G.
Statistical synthesis and analysis of comprehensive parameters estimation algorithms in wireless sensor networks
Parfenov V.I., Kalininskii A.A.
Design fundamentals of high temperature silicon carbide operational amplifiers in the freely related environments MicroCap and LTspice
Chumakov V.E., Frolov I.V., Kleimenkin D.V., Prokopenko N.N.
Analysis of noisy spectra of electron paramagnetic resonance
Vorobeva E.A., Koksharov Yu.A., Taranov I.V., Gulyaev Yu.V.
Method for calculating an electron gun forming an axially symmetric beam
Rizakhanov R.N.
- article in Russian,
- article in English.