Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Fast method for single-tone complex signals time-frequency parametric estimation.
V. G. Volkov, U. N. Krivov, V. M. Komarov, I. V. Lukyanov
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Spectral analytical methods of research of several classes of non-autonomous model systems.
A. A. Egorov, Yu. A. Konyaev, Nguyen Viet Khoa
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (359 kB)
Harmonic effect on the processes in a semiconductor diode.
D. V. Losev, D. S. Bardashov, A. G. BykovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (152 kB)
The search algorithm, some properties and application of matrices with complex values of the elements for steganography and synthesis of wideband signals.
A. Y. Grishentcev, A. G. KorobeynikovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (282 kB)
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Computing coefficients of nonorthogonal Meixner filters with GNU Octave.
I. M. Kulikovskikh
Impact of SAR raw data compression on synthesis performance of radar images.
I. M. Nesterov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (949 kB)
the average probability of correct detection for energy-based detection in the presence of multipath fading.
Statistical analysis of
A. S. Gvozdarev, M. A. Gulyaeva
Abstract. Full text: pdf (804 kB)
Polynomial interpolation in digital signal processing at high accuracy requirements.
V. F. Zhirkov, L.T.Sushkova, A. I Korolev, K. N. Bol'shakov, A.A.Obednin, G. V. Prokofyev
Multitarget tracking of radio emission sources in a monostatic air-borne radio monitoring system.
B. V. Belik,S. G. Belov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Using pseudo-measurements for filtering object state parameters from observations in a multi-sensor environment.
S. G. Belov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
The use of fuzzy logic for the identification of airborne radar objects during their multi-purpose tracking.
S. G. Belov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Detection of signals with a sampling rate not exceeding the Nyquist frequency.
V. I. Parfenov, D. Y. Golovanov
Abstract. Full text: pdf
À weight (window) function based on Dolph-Chebyshev functions.
V. V. Yakovlenko
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Ortochaotic data transfer.
V. S. Vykhovanets
Identification of the point process intensity shape with the precedents maximum likelihood distributions.
V. E. Antsiperov
Numerical modelling of diffraction of electromagnetic field on pyramidal radio-absorber on the side walls of the compact range.
A. V. Nikitenko, A. S. Zubov
Mathematical models of relative movement of air objects for observation procedures in aviation airborne radars. Part 1. Mathematical models in trajectory coordinate system.
A. S. Bogachev, V. I. Merkulov, V.S. Chernov, S.B. Gusarov
Mathematical models of relative movement of air objects for observation procedures in aviation airborne radars. Part 2. Mathematical models in antenna, beam and spherical coordinate systems.
A. S. Bogachev, V. I. Merkulov, V.S. Chernov, I.R. Zagrebelnyi
Management of the processes of creation of space-based radar complexes based on the analysis of the likelihood ratio of the correlation-extreme functions of the obtained and synthesized radio holograms.
V. V. Gruzdov, A. N. Leukhin, V. K. Sloka
Numerical technique for computation of timing jitter in nonlinear electrical circuits based on interval evaluation.
M. M. Gourary, S. G. Rusakov, S. L. Ulyanov, M. M. Zharov
Method of searching for optimal gain-frequency characteristics approximations with Chebyshev rational functions.
A. V. Smirnov
Forming a password hashing function, resistant to speeding through the values.
Yu. B. Panfilov
Application of optimization methods in design of analog radioelectronics circuits.
M. M. Gourary, M. M. Zharov, N. N. Prokopenko, S. G. Rusakov, S. L. Ulyanov
Numerical technique for distortion analysis of RF circuits in periodical mode with multitone excitations.
M. M. Gourary, S. G. Rusakov, S. L. Ulyanov, M. M. Zharov
Complex information processing in the aircraft integrated radio-electronic complex estimating coordinates and parameters of the movement of air objects in the beam coordinate system.
V. I. Merkulov, V. S. Chernov, I. R. Zagrebelnyi
Degeneracy of cnoidal waves in unbounded solutions of the Korteweg - de Vries equation.
A. P. Chernyaev, S. A. Chernyaeva
Method for evaluating the dispersion relation of the resonator electromagnetic waves from double connected cross section perpendicular to the axis of propagation.
A. P. Chernyaev, S. A. Chernyaeva
Simulation of a receiving system with amplitude demodulation and time division of channels in a LabView environment.
Ya. A. Zazulin, P. Yu. Karpunin, K. V. Kireev
Approximation of the empirical probability distributions by Bernstein polynomials.
F. V. Golik.
On the best methods for time domain analysis of RF circuits.
V. N. Biryukov
The application of the discrete element method to study the refractive properties of a liquid flow with powder impurities.
K. M. Zeyde
Abstract. Full text: pdf
Method for recognizing the shape of objects of domain structures in magneto-optical materials based on direct-propagation neural networks.
À. V. Bragin, M. V. Gerasimov, R. R. Navletov, D. V. Pyanzin
Mathematical algorithm for jitter removal during picosecond light pulse average chronogram measurement via streak camera.
N. N. Ageeva, I. L. Bronevoi, D. N. Zabegaev, A. N. Krivonosov
An algorithm of global maximum search for evaluating position estimation of electromagnetic emitting source by a passive radar system.
D. M. Zhukov, Z. A. Vavilova, T. Y. Shevgunov, O. A. Guschina, E. N. Efimov
Template modeling of a p-channel MOSFET.
V. N. Biryukov
A model of a multilayer smoothly-irregular integrated-optical waveguide in the zero vector approximation: theory and numerical analysis.
A. A. Egorov, K. P. Lovetskii, A. L. Sevastianov, L. A. Sevastianov
Self-intersection of complex asymptotic manifolds of hyperbolic equilibrium, position and non-existence of first integrals in the systems of the type of Hamiltonian with two degrees of freedom.
S. L. Ziglin.
Research, manufacturing of a shipborne digital magnetic compass and applying the Kalman filter to filter the noisy information of a given compass.
Vu Xuan Hau, V. E. Ivanov, S. I. Kumkov, Nguyen Dinh Thach
Application of Simulink in the implementation of calculation algorithms for continuous wavelet transform on a digital signal processor.
Dmitry V. Zhuravov, Andrey B. Stepanov
Abstract Full text: pdf
Effective detection of strong maneuvers of object in noisy measurements conditions.
I. A. Kalinov, R. T. Agishev
Abstract Full text: pdf
A model of radio signals with continuous phase modulation based on the parameters of phase diagrams and a set of informative features for recognizing types of modulation of radiation from foreign satellite communication systems.
E. P. Kadukov
Abstract Full text: pdf
Automation of the procedure for determining the complex parameters of microwave devices based on the quadrature measurement method.
Yu. B. Gimpilevich, S. E. Zebek
Abstract Full text: pdfN. Biryukov, A. M. Pilipenko, N. N. Prokopenko, O. V Dvornikov
Template model of complementary field-effect transistors with a control pn junction.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Entropy models and reference descriptions of error-correcting codes.
K. B. Makhrov, V. O. Khatsayuk
Abstract Full text: pdf
Numerical modeling of the influence of electromagnetic pulses on the operation of typical electronic self-oscillating systems.
Glazunov P.S., Vorobyeva E.A., Vdovin V.A., Slepkov A.I.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Monitoring of the functional characteristics of long-distance detection radars using continuous distributed computers.
Dembitskiy N.L., Logovsky A.S., Timoshenko A.V., Pankratov V.A.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Algorithm for pointing to a ground station of a phased array antenna beam of a communications repeater on a helicopter-type unmanned aerial vehicle.
Sivov A.Iu., Aleshin M.G.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Using Gauss-Legendre and Hermit quadrature formulas for calculating integrals in fast-multipole algorithm.
Lavretski E.I.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Method of non-parametric discrete-continuous filtering of signal parameters using cutoff functions and fast-Fourier-transform algorithms.
Bulychev Yu.G., Eliseev A.V., Materschev A.V., Seleznev I.S.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Iterative reconstruction algorithm of full channel matrix in communication systems using combined analog-digital beamforming scheme.
Kuptsov V.V., Shmonin O.A., Trushkov S.N., Mikhailova A.S.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Assessment of the influence of the composition of measurements in a single-position passive radio engineering system on the accuracy of the satellite orbit determination.
Gabriel’yan D.D., Gorbachev A.N., Demchenko V.I.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Analytical models in the design and optimization of complex technical systems.
Ivanchuk N.A.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Static model of power silicon MOSFET.
Biryukov V.N., Haritonova V.R., Portnykh D.A.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Method for increasing the stability of estimates of the pulse characteristic of a linear system based on singular complement of the reference signals matrix.
Abramenkov V.V., Mitrofanov D.G., Zchbanov I.L., Semchenkov S.M.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Method for automatic modulation classification of spectral-effective radio signals based on the classification of radio signals patterns in the parameter space of phase diagram by the criterion of the minimum Euclidean distance.
Kadukov E.P., Utimisheva I.K.
Abstract Full text: pdf
New machine learning based method for identifying objects in biomedical images obtained by photon counting detectors.
Antsiperov V.E.
Abstract Full text: pdf
Time correlation techniques for subsample time delay estimation of complex signals based on polynomial interpolation.
Guschina O.A., Shevgunov T.Ya.
Abstract Full text: pdf
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