Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Methods of particle segmentation for using in flow visualization images.
A. A. Savin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (400 kB)
A plane-layered model for interaction between the field of the dipole antenna and the human head.
V. V. Bodrov, V. A. Permyakov, S. I. Romanov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (221 kB)
Local NMR spectroscopy in a study of head brain ischemia.
M. V. Gulyaev, L. V. Gubskiy, E. A. Cherkashova, N. V. Anisimov, Jaw Fushan, Yu. A. PirogovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (429 kB)
Detection of heated region's location and size by dynamical acoustical thermography.
A. A. Anosov, A. S. Kazanskij, A. D. Mansfel'd , A. S. Sharakshane
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (1 510 kB)
Aquisition of images in magnetic resonance imaging on the 19F nuclea with the help of preparation "perftoran".
M. V. Gulyaev, L. L. Gervits, Yu. A. Ustynyuk, N. V. Anisimov, Yu. A. Pirogov, A. R. KhokhlovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (344 kB)
253 kB)
Thermal action of electromagnetic waves on the human skin.
V. V. Shtykov, A. A. Kal'shchikov
Magnetic resonance thermometry of rats brain by local NMR spectroscopy method.
M. V. Gulyaev, S. K. Khanov, D. D. Namestnikova, L. V. Gubskiy, Jaw Fushan, Yu. A. Pirogov, V. Ya. PanchenkoAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (112 kB)
High precise THz spectroscopy forsolutions of medical and biology problems.
V. L.Vaks, E. G. Domracheva, E. A.Sobakinskaya, M. B.Chernyaeva, V. A.Anfert’ev, A.V.Semenova, Yu. S. Shatrova
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (883 kB)
Human body electroneuromyographic diagnostics device.
M. G. Grigoriev, N. V. Turushev, D. K. Avdeeva
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (110 kB)
Joint analysis of the signals of electroencephalograms, electromyograms and mechanical tremor of the Parkinson's disease in the early stage.
O. S. Sushkova, M. S. Korolev, A. V. Gabova, S. N. Illarioshkin, A. V. Karabanov, K.Y. Obukhov, Y.V. Obukhov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (808 kB)
Cortical rythms detection based on EEG analytic spectra correlations in specific frequency ranges.
V. E. AntciperovAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (169 kB)
Multinuclear researchers using 0,5 T MRI scanner.
D. V. Volkov, O. S. Pavlova, M. V. Gulyaev, N. V. Anisimov, Yu. A. Pirogov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (375 kB)
External pulsed electric field remote activation of nanocomposite microcapsules formed from the lipids, polymers and conductive nanoparticles.
Yu. V. Gulyaev, V. A. Cherepenin, V. A. Vdovin, I. V. Taranov, V. V. Faykin, V. I. Tyukavin, V. P. Kim, Yu. A. Koksharov, P. A. Kormakova, K. V. Potapenkov, A. A. Rakhnyanskaya, A. V. Sybachin, E. G. Yaroslavova, A. A.Yaroslavov, G. B. Khomutov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (5 997 kB)
Evaluation of different forms epileptic seizure time-frequency structure.
Yu. V. Obukhov, G. D. Kuznetsova, A. V. Gabova, A. B. Shatskova, V. V. Gnezditskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (367 kB)
Blood pressure rhythm estimation based on shape of patterns for analytic spectra.
V. Å. Antsiperov, K. G. Mansurov, V. V. Bonch-Bruevich
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (133 kB)
Analysis of brain hypersynchronization activity during an epileptic discharge on the basis of EEG signal cone-shape kernel representation.
V. Å. Antsiperov, Yu. V. Obukhov, G. D. Kuznetsova, V. V. Gnezditskiy
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (615 kB)
867 kB)
Noninvasive diagnostics of black cancer and other skin neoplasms using the method of near-field microwave sounding.
D. V. Yanin, A. G. Galka, A. I. Smirnov, A. V. Kostrov, A. V. Strikovskii, N.Yu. Orlinskaya, A.A. Epishkina, E.V. Grebenkin
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (
High precise THz spectroscopy for food quality analysis.
V. A. Anfertev, A. F. Bashmakov, V. L. Vaks, E. G. Domracheva, E. A. Sobakinskaya, G. A. Soegova, M. B. ChernyaevaAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (237 kB)
Development of two-frequency THz spectroscopy for analytical investigations.
V. A. Anfertev, V. Yu. Balakirev, V. L. Vaks, E. G. Domracheva, S. I. Pripolzin, L. S. Revin, G. A. Soegova, A. A. Yablokov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (488 kB)
The effect of Tesla transformer's radiation on the polymorphism of the products polymerase chain reaction with primers of arbitrary sequence.
L. A. Luchkina, A. P. Roganov, R. A. Pantina, A. V. Volnitskiy, O. K. Kaboev
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (306 kB)
922 kB)
Model of electrophysiological quantitative signs of Parkinson's disease.
O. S. Sushkova, Yu. V. Obukhov, I. A. Maluta
Ultra short electric pulses remote activation of liposomal capsules containing gold nanorods.
Yu. V. Gulyaev, V. A. Cherepenin, I. V. Taranov, V. A. Vdovin, A. A.Yaroslavov, V. P. Kim, G. B. Khomutov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (4 296 kB)
Noninvasive arterial blood pressure active measurements based on pulse wave prediction dependent sensor control.
V. E. Antciperov, G. K. Mansurov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (2 518 kB)
Registration of nuclei other than protons on 0.5 T MRI scanner.
N. V. Anisimov, O. S. Pavlova, D. V. Volkov, M. V. Gulyaev, Yu. A. Pirogov
Abstract. Full text: html, pdf (371 kB)
Detection of heart arrhytmias using analytic spectra technique.
V. E. Antsiperov, I. V. Zabrosaev, D.V. RastjagaevAbstract. Full text: html, pdf (343 kB)
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