Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
On the calculation of parameters for the generation of surface waves in liquid medium.
S. V. Titov, V. S. Malinin, A. S. Titov, K. D. Kazarinov
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Experimental study of the surface properties of lipid monolayers regarded as biological membranes.
K. D. Kazarinov, A. S. Titov, V. S. Malinin, S.V. Titov
Technology of non-invasive monitoring of arterial pressure based on the registration of a pulse wave signal by three-channel sensor of a new type.
V. E. Antsiperov, M. V. Danilychev, G. K. Mansurov
Automated system for early diagnosis of pathological changes in the bronchopulmonary system based on radio frequency scanning.
I. V. Semernik, À. V. Dem'yanenko, F. S. Topalov, Ya. V. Nevstruev, Î. Å. Semernik, A. A. Lebedenko
Microwave irradiation modifies the ultraweak luminescence of cell life products.
K.D. Kazarinov, A.V. Chekanov
Measuring device of biological tissues blood supply on capacitive sensor.
S. G. Suchkov, D.A. Aleksandrov, V.A. Nikolaevtsev, D.S. Suchkov, A.V. Tolstikov, Z.V. Papaeva, A.S. Tolstokorov
Biocompatible nano materials based on opal matrixes.
À. F. Belyanin, A. S. Bagdasaryan, Yu. V. Gulyaev, N. S. Sergeeva, S. A. Bagdasaryan, E. R. Pavlyukova
Time series analysis in self-regulating systems.
V .F. FedorovA. Alimuradov, A. Yu. Tychkov, P .P. Churakov, A. P. Zaretskiy, I. B. Prokhorov, K. S. Mityagin
Increasing detection efficiency of border mental disorders based on adaptive decomposition and cepstral analysis of speech signals.
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Hypothesis principles for the conditions of the rhythmic cardiac chamber activity within the framework of certain mathematical models.
A. P.Chernyaev
Wireless monitoring for biological signals by cardio vascular system of patient.
A. S. Baghdasaryan, S. A. Baghdasaryan, V. I., Nikolaev, O. V. Kashchenko, S. O. Nikolaeva, E. R. Pavlyukova
Small-size device for express studies of spectral-luminescent properties of porphyrins metal complexes.
I. P. Shilov, L. Yu. Kochmarev, G. L. Danielyan, B. V. Zubov
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Time frequency analysis of the blood pressure signals using the Hilbert-Huang transform.
V. D. Ompokov, V. V. Boronoyev
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The study of the sensitivity of human blood cells to microwave radiation.
K. D. Kazarinov, V. A. Shelkonogov, A. V. Chekanov
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Propagation of electromagnetic waves in a three-dimensional simplified model of the human chest.
A. V. Dem’yanenko, Y. V. Nevstruev, O. E. Semernik
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Experimental researches of microwave electromagnetic activity of the human brain.
Brusilovsky L.I., Bryukhovetskiy A.S., Kozhin S.P., Nikonorov A.V., Serafimovich P.G.
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Differential measurements in electric field tomography: visualization of a test object from experimental data.
Kobrisev P.A., Korjenevsky A.V., Sapetsky S.A., Tuykin T.S.
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About the possibility of using high power electromagnetic pulses for disinfection of bacteriologically contaminated objects.
Radio frequency identification and authentication in control system for diagnostic and treatment process.
Bagdasaryan S.A., Nikolaev V.I., Pavlyukova E.R., Nikolaeva S.O.
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On the possibility of using electrical impedance computed tomography to diagnose lung damage with COVID-19 virus.
Gulyaev Yu.V., Korjenevsky A.V., Cherepenin V.A.
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Use of a pneumatic sensor in the problem of continuous non-invasive monitoring of blood pressure and pulse wave.
Mansurov G.K., Danilychev M.V., Antsiperov V.E., Bugaev A.S.
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Explanation of non-stationary measurements of a capacitive blood filling sensor for living biological tissues.
Suchkov S.G., Aleksandrov D.A., Nikolaevtsev V.A., Suchkov D.S., Tolstokorov A.S.
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Experimental approbation of personal dosimeter of microwave electromagnetic radiation “Mera”.
Dmitriev A.S., Itskov V.V., Ryzhov A.I., Grigoriev O.A.
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Near-field pulse microwave sounding of dynamics of subsurface structure of human living tissues at pulmonary and cardiovascular activity.
Bokeria L.A., Kakuchaya T.T., Maksimovitch Ye.S., Badeev V.A., Gaikovich K.P.
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Spectral-optical studies of the photoactivity of the ytterbium complex 2,4-di(α-methoxyethyl)deuteroporphyrin IX — a promising substance for NIR luminescence diagnostics of cancer.
Shilov I.P., Ivanov A.V.
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Spectral properties study of Bi porphyrins complexes for biophotonics and immune therapy.
Gorshkova A.S., Rumyantseva V.D., Shilov I.P.
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Using the method of renormalization with limitation for medical ultrasound image processing.
Kokoshkin A.V.
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Modeling of pulsating blood flows for problems of optical coherent tomography in ophthalmology.
Frolov S.V., Potlov A.Yu., Proskurin S.G., Frolova T.A.
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Photophysical properties of ytterbium porphyrins complexes for magneto-luminescent theranostics of tumors.
Markushev V.M, Rumyantseva V.D., Shilov I.P., Gorshkova A.S.
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Magnetite nanoparticles as promising structures for magneto-luminescent theranostics of tumors.
Gorshkova A.S., Ivanov A.V., Shilov I.P., Rumyantseva V.D.
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Measuring errors of parameters of size, shape and color during automated screening of skin pigmented neoplasms.
Kudrin K.G., Rimskaya E.N., Pavlyukova O.Yu., Davydov D.V., Reshetov I.V.
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