Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of SciencesJOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS(zhurnal radioelektroniki) online journal, eISSN 1684-1719 Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev |
(Russian page)
Integral equation method for the attenuation factor calculation with consideration of the earth's surface impedance
Akhiyarov V.V.
3 cm Doppler scatterometer with full polarization sensing
Zuikova E.M., Baidakov G.A., Titchenko Yu.A., Salin M.B.
Refined method for determining the spatial correlation interval of the fading in a single-beam decameter radio link
Pashintsev V.P., Koval S.A., Potyagov D.A., Skorik A.D., Senokosov M.A.
Refractive properties of the troposphere of Baikal natural territory and surrounding areas
Bazarova A.S., Sychev R.S., Bazarov A.V., Atutov E.B., Bashkuev Yu.B.
Application of the transmit active phased array antenna in a radar complex of the sensing of the lunar soil
Semenov D.A.
Numerical simulation of the ground distribution of the field strength of an on-board low-frequency transmitter located in the ionosphere
Moshkov A.V.
Experimental studies of the receiving-transmitting module of the radar complex for sounding the lunar soil
Semenov D.A.
Energy characteristics of the uav-based georadar for searching a water layer in aroid areas
Baskakov A.I., Odsuren B., Komarov A.A., Tuvdendorj G.
The remote sensing of snow water equivalent using broadband electromagnetic pulses from an UAV board
Muzalevskiy K.V.
On the validity of the experiment on detecting the motion of a continuous medium by the waveguide method
Zeide K.M., Grishchenko D.S.
One-position method for determining the coordinates of a radio emission source on terrestrial paths by the totality of reflections of its signal from local objects
Polyanskikh P.A., Meshcheryakov A.A., Denisov V.P., Geltser A.A.
Assessment of the lateral petals parameters of the compressed signal at the inverse filter output under the conditions of uncertainty
Khafizov R.G.
The annual cycle of the error of radioaltimetric measurements of the Black Sea level due to the nonlinearity of sea waves
Zapevalov A.S.
Attenuation of low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the Earth's lower ionosphere under the influence of strong local disturbances in the atmosphere
Moshkov A.V.
Zenith tropospheric delay according to GPS observations and water vapor measurements by a radiometer at Badg point (Badary, republic of Buryatiya)
Dembelov M.G.
Propagation of video pulse signals in dissipative media
Gulevich O.A., Volkomirskaya L.B., Mingalev I.V., Suvorova Z.V., Akhmetov O.I., Mingalev O.V., Reznikov A.E.
Experimental investigation of dielectric characteristics of curvilinear samples of material
Gyul’magomedov N.H., Evseev D.A., Mikheenko E.L., Meshcheryakov A.A., Slivko S.A.
Lognormal model of radio wave scattering in cellular mobile networks
Tsvetkov S.G.
Modeling of tropospheric radio wave propagation by the parabolic equation method
Akhiyarov V.V.
Using the concept of a geophysical model function for the interpretation scatterometer data
Zapevalov A.S
Simulation of high-speed operation of a composite nanoactuator based on the shape memory effect with minimal thermal drift
Romanov S.R., Kataev N.Yu., Lega P.V., Orlov A.P., Kartsev A.I., Prokunin A.V., Koledov V.V.
Structural-multipath approach to the development of a space-time model of a single-mode decameter communication channel with diffuse multipath
Pashintsev V.P., Koval S.A., Tsimbal V.A., Toiskin V.E., Senokosov M.A., Skorik A.D.
Eurasian Submillimeter Telescopes (ESMT) project. Possibility of submm image quality improvement using adaptive optics
Khaikin V.B., Shikhovtsev A.Yu., Shmagin V.E., Lebedev M.K., Kopylov E.A., Lukin V.P., Kovadlo P.G.
Plasmon origin of standing waves into near field behind holey metallic slabs
Karpov I.A.
Satellite navigation systems as a source for determining the features of the radio waves propagation along ionospheric radio lines
V.M. Smirnov, E.V. Smirnova
Electrical properties and geoelectric section of some sedimentary rocks of the Baikal natural territory according to radio impedance sounding data
Bashkuev Yu.B., Khaptanov V.B., Dembelov M.G., Angarkhaeva L.Kh., Buyanova D.G.
Dependence of the reflective properties of agricultural soils in ultra-wide frequency band on the type, surface roughness and moisture profiles of agrosoils
Muzalevskiy K.V., Fomin S.V., Karavayskiy A.Yu.
Simulation of the impact of the cell interference on the THz gas absorption spectrum meashured by nonstationar spectroscopy methods
Semenova A.V., Yablokov A.A., Anfertev V.A., Knyazeva T.D.
Broadband reflectometric method for the measuring of soil surface moisture and roughness
Muzalevskiy K.V.
On the time dependence of a narrow-band signal in a dispersive medium far from the emission point
Bukhman N.S., Kulikova A.V.
- article in Russian,
- article in English.